Hélène Fournié
Medical and scientific illustrator
Due to her parents' profession as a doctor & biology teacher, Hélène Fournié became interested very quickly in everything related to medicine and natural sciences, and her scientific curiosity was naturally stimulated from a very young age. After seven years in the Applied Arts program in Paris (Estienne & Olivier De Serres), she completed her studies quite naturally by obtaining a Higher Diploma in Applied Arts in Medical and Scientific Illustration, thanks to a rich partnership in neuroanatomy with Dr. D.Hasboun, at the Pitié-Salpêtrière.
For more than twenty years, Hélène Fournié has been working as an independent consultant, mainly for pharmaceutical laboratories, publishing or scientific popularization, as well as for specialized communication companies. Through the richness and variety of her projects, she has been able to forge an experience that echoes the qualities of each of her contacts. In recent years, she has also specialized in geological and landscape illustration (BRGM, IRMA, Réserve Naturelle des Hauts de Chartreuse...). When she has a little free time, she fills out travel diaries... which have gradually become "life diaries", allowing her to maintain the practice of hand-drawn artistic illustration.
Professional Status
> Freelance graphic designer and illustrator since 1998.
> Affiliated with the Maison des Artistes
> Member of L'Afdas
> Founding member of the Villa Glovettes association (2021), a multidisciplinary artists' residence on the Vercors plateau
Various types of work.
> traditional & digital illustrations: watercolor, crayon or pencil, Photoshop, InDesign, travel notebooks...
> graphic design works: posters, brochures, logo design, visual identity creation...
Training, career path
2001- today > Freelance.
2000 - 2002 > Archaeological drawing at the Louvre Museum (Françoise Gaultier) and in Malia (Pascal Darcque)
2000 - 2001 > Part-time employee at Medisite (medical portal for the general public and professionals on the Internet - startup) - Maintaining a freelance activity in parallel.
June 2000 > Winner of the Fondation de France, Odon Vallet scholarship - (Neur@nat website, teaching in neuroanatomy).
June 1998 > Higher Diploma in Applied Arts (DSAA) in Medical & Scientific Illustration - École Estienne, Paris XIII - Mention Excellent - Diploma in Anatomy, CHU Pitié-Salpétrière, Paris XIII. Start of freelance activity.
June 1996 > BTS in industrial design - ENSAAMA , Olivier de Serre, Paris XVe.
June 1994 > Baccalauréat F12, Applied Arts - École Estienne, Paris XIII with congratulations.